Thursday, 9 February 2012

Sunday Social Justice Mentality.

I'm not someone who likes to get caught up in the latest fad. It's my inner rebel!!

I get irritated by this Sunday social justice mentality. This is when people only buy a product or go to a protest, or sign a petition, because they can then tell all their friends how wonderful they are for supporting such a cause.

It frustrates the crap out me, it's, I guess more with the hypocritical stuff that I've talked about before.

For example I know a person who likes to follow every cause they possibly can, they were part of the Occupy Melbourne group, they support every animal, environmental and people cause. They are always on a bandwagon. When I questioned this person on what it meant to be part of Occupy Melbourne, they explained that basically they were protesting the pay that the CEO's of businesses got. I asked where this person did their shopping, they said that they couldn't afford to live on the price of whole foods, and fair trade foods, so had to do their shopping at Safeways or Coles... two big businesses with very well paid CEO's. This person would also publically write on Facebook about buying McDonalds, KFC etc.... Another big business, and remember my last post about what is said online stays online:

This is part of my frustration. I am someone that if I'm going to protest for a cause I will protest not just with my words, but with my whole being. If I don't want to input to consumerism, then I want consume. If I don't want people to judge me then I wont judge them. And so on.

But I have been seeing fair trade everywhere. Now I know of a shop that sells fair trade products, and the people that work there, that are selling these products are wearing Chinese made clothes from Kmart and Big W. So how can they honestly expect us to follow their cause.

It would be like a nutritionist who is fat, or a financial planner who is bankrupt. You wouldn't go to them, so why would we go and buy fair trade products from someone who doesn't practice what they preach.

Mike Guglimucci a preacher who in a scandal found out he had been lying about illnesses and had a porn addiction, was asked to step down from his position because of his hypocrisy, so why then do shops do it?

Now you might say, but Mike Guglimucci, he was playing with people's lives. But so are these people who are selling fair trade products. The money is going to pay proper wages to those people that make the products, and if the shop sellers are then wearing sweat shop made clothes, it is undoing all the good work that fair trade is doing.

I feel like I harp on about this sort of thing so often, because it does my head in!! Our actions are what people will judge us by, and so they should! So if we are speaking until we are blue in the face about a cause and then doing the opposite with our actions, we look like fools and discredit the organisation/charity or cause that we are working for.

I'm all for people protesting, I believe that the act of protest is important. However, I believe that if you feel so strongly that you are going to protest, then naturally your whole life would reflect this protest... Wouldn't it?

Love you all


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