His excuse is that he is a flag maker and these are simply his merchandise and it's not a political stance. I have to question if you are a flag maker and your only flying your merchandise, why those two particular flags? Why not an Australian Flag? An Aboriginal Flag? A School Flag? Any other sort of flag?
I believe that it is his political beliefs, but this is beside the point really, those flags represent some of the worst atrocities that have ever occurred in German/Jewish history. The flags are not only offensive to the Jewish community, but also to the Soldiers who fought there, to the Soldiers families who lost loved ones, and to the German community.
The reason I say the German community is because if there was a flag that represented the atrocities that White People did to the Aboriginal People, I wouldn't want it to be flown in Australia. It represents a time that the German people aren't proud of.
So I stand with those community members who would like to see these flags removed. As I do believe they are offensive. And after all a council can remove a billboard with a half naked woman on it for being offensive, why not this?
But then on the same time does these flags make us think about a horrible time in history? Do they remind us of the awful things that Jewish, Gay, and Gypsy people went through? Should we be offended by this flag or should it be a reminder so that history doesn't repeat itself?
What do you all think?
Love you all
You tell it Sam. Keep up the blogging
ReplyDeletehe he he thanks!!