This blog may contain beliefs and opinions that are very different to your own, I understand others may not agree, but I am not up for an arguement. I'm happy for you to comment on this blog, but if you are going to comment, please do it in a mature and appropriate manner. Thankyou.
So the debate of whether Gay Marriage should be legalised has come up again, it's a debate that I dont' think ever really goes away, it's just whether the media are popularising it again.
I have given this a lot of thought, and even when I was in the church I thought long and hard about it. The church says that Homosexuality is evil and wrong, and so therefore Gay marriage shouldn't even be thought about, it's a definate no.
But having gay members of my family, I was always left with that bitter taste in my mouth, from the churches point of view. I mean I have heard the bible quoted about not to be involved with "sinful" people, or those who don't walk with God. And it always made me wonder, how do I stop loving my family? How do I stop from wanting anything to do with them? And then it made me question further, that if God loves everyone unconditionally, why then would he not want them to be part of his family?
A couple of years ago I went to Sydney, and as part of that trip I went and visited a homeless shelter run by Hope St. It is run by the Baptist church. One of the things that man that I spoke with said to me, was that they had a banner in the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. This of course caused uproar in the church. They lost much of their support, and funding that the church had given them. But he stood by what they had done. They simply walked through the parade with a banner that said "come as you are".
As a Christian I asked the question "well how long does someone come to the church as a gay person, before we expect them to change?". I was answered with "why do they have to change?" I must admit this sent me on a spiral, all the things that I had been taught and fed by the church challenged this very question. I was left saying, but your a Christian your meant to change. And thats when I realised the fault of the church. Why do they have to change? Why when they enter a building must they become different people than who they are? Is that the problem with the church?
Well that was right off topic. But my point was that the church believes gay marriage to be wrong and sinful, but yet, it is the church that quotes all sins are as great as each other. So when a preacher lies, he is sinning as bad as the gay person, when a person has lust, they are sinning as bad as the gay person, what about those people who pick up the money they find on the street and keep it rather than giving it to the police, yep they are sinning just as much as the gay person. The church can't have rules for one and not for the others.

So what do I think about Gay marriage? I think let it happen. Gay people are humans, and we have fought so long and so hard, to stop this us and them mentality that humans get. We look back in history and can't believe that humanity would see black people as them, as different. Yet we do the same thing with Gay people. It's us and them. We hetros can get married but those homo's no way!
Why? Why don't humans, all humans have the same rights? What difference would it make if two men to marry? How would that affect a hetrosexuals life? You wont catch their gay. No more so than our ancestors could catch Aboriginals black by letting them vote. It hasn't made a difference. And nor will gay marriage.
What it will do, is allow a gay couple to become one anothers next of kin, it will give them the right to decide in the case of medical emergency what is best for their partner. It will allow them the same tax benefits that you and I get for being a married hetrosexual couple. Now I know there will be people out there who say, but it will also allow them to adopt or have ivf.
But you know what I say to that? A child is better to be in a loving gay home, where they are cared for, loved unconditionally, treated right and educated, rather than in a home, where they are simply nothing more than an extra centrelink benefit. Where they are having to scrounge for food, because mum and dad spent all the money on drugs and alcohol, or where they are being molested or raped every night.
I could go on all day about why it would be ok to have two mums or two dads, but I'll leave that for another day.
So my thought for the day is that our Government is working on some very antiquated ideas, that need to be brought to the modern days, and stop promoting this us and them attitudes. The church needs to start practicing true love rather than we'll love those do good, or those that we can 'save' and allow the rest to go to hell.
Love you all
I think marriage in general is a failing institution and it saddens me...i think if two gay people love each other and are prepared to make a go of it, then they have the right...there are plenty of heterosexuals out there who abuse the system of marriage and it should be allowed.
ReplyDeleteWhere do I sit on gays in general? I dont know...i was churched so still have is not my preference personally, but i accept gays as i would the next person. God is love above all else to me...thats the basis of my belief and I dont like to complicate it too much more...he loves us and we should accept everyone. Its not me to judge except for the things that God has called us to judge which is the fruits in peoples lives...I dont think this fits under that so let people be people be it sex, race, whatever. Check this link out...hope it works...very inspirational on a guy bought up by two gay parents...