I have just been to the supermarket to buy something for dinner. As you may have read, I'm on a healthy lifestyle change, in order to lose much needed weight. But what has made me angry is the things that are marked as healthy, that are full of calories and sugar. Those that are low in calories are high in sugar.
It's no wonder we live in an obese nation. When things that are marked "healthy choice" are just are farse!!
This angers me so much, and I fully understand why people say we should eat local and buy fresh produce. But try doing this in Bendigo!!

We now at least have a farmers market that sells fresh produce, but the problem is unless you are looking for fruit and veggies, or olives/olive oil, fetta cheese and goats milk soap, then you wont find much else.
It is almost impossible to find local free range chicken. There is errendale farms that sell locallly grown beef, but don't advertise it as organic.
And then don't get me started on the cost. It's impossible to feed a family of five on a budget, feeding them only organic and free range.
Even our fish, I went to buy some fish from the fish monger the other day, I couldn't get any prawns that didn't come from Thailand or Vietnam. I know that we have huge prawn growing farms throughout South Australia and Western Australia. So where are our prawns going? I did a wee bit of research and yet I can't seem to find where we export them to!! Yet we seem, in Bendigo at least, not to be able to get Australian prawns.
I'm just so frustrated at the moment with the whole food industry, and this just makes me want my farm even more, where I can grow meat and veggies, to sell locally, that is free range, organic and affordable!! I'm not sure how taking away chemicals can make it more expensive!!
Just today our neighbour from across the road, came over and bought us some zuchinnis, you should see the size of them!! They are completely organic, only fertilized with horse poo, no chemicals. And yet they are huge and deliscious. So how can eating organic, cost so much more, sometimes double the price??
I am about to start a war on food. I plan to research farmers that I can buy direct from. I plan to only support local people. I would love to find a group of people that would be willing to come and share in my block of land, by growing their veggies, where we can all share the produce. I am happy to share my eggs from my chickens, 100% free range and organic. I would love to find others that are willing to do it.
But I'm starting to think that our society is just too much of a convenience society, where we are lazy and can't be bothered fending for ourselves. I often wonder what would happen to our world, if all electricity was to cease tomorrow. If places like McDonalds and KFC were to shut up shop. What would we do? How would we cope? Would we know how to live without our Mccains meals? Our Pies? Our frozen veggies?
Love you all
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