But I was amazed. We follow them so vehemently, we talk to them, in hope they might retweet us, or talk to us back. We beg to be followed, like they even care about what we are saying. And then tonight I saw that Donnie Wahlberg from New Kids on the Block said the words "love eternal". I looked up google to see whether this actually meant anything but couldn't find anywhere that said that it means something special to him, as far as I can tell it's just a random statement he makes when he can't think of anything else to tweet.
This wasn't what I found most bizarre, although quite bizarre, there was a girl that tweeted on his page, that she got a follow from him, because she got the words "love eternal" tattooed on her leg.

But to hear a celebrity say something and then tattoo it on their body seems amazing to me. This piece of artwork is going to be on our bodies for the rest of our lives, and yet there are people that seem to put such little thought into what picture they are putting on there.
When I was 19, and got my first tattoo, I chose a rose, with a black celtic pattern behind it. It's not a huge rose, and it's quite pretty, my thought during the choosing proscess was, what would I want to have when I'm 80. But some people that I got my tattoo done with, they were getting rip curl symbols, ACDC album covers etc. I even at my young age thought this was bizarre.
What happens when your 80 will anyone know what rip curl is or who Bart Simpson is? Will anyone care about New Kids on the Block, I mean lets face it, it only seems to be people of my era that do, because they remember being teenagers swooning over them.
So I wonder are we obsessed with this idea of celebrity? I mean you wouldn't walk down the street and take a photo of someone, and get that tattooed on your body... so what makes a celebrity different? They still eat, sleep, poo and take the rubbish to the bin. They would still fart, and I can guarantee, theirs don't smell like roses, unlike mine of course.
In fact they are probably even crazier and need even more mental help than we do, because our entire lives aren't on every gossip magazine to be seen.
Well I think it's odd anyway.
Love you all
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